ZDB Alibre Drawing Management

Drawing management for Alibre Design and Atom3D.
Exports all properties to a fast SQLite database
Includes viewer with "Where used?" function!

Available ZDB apps

The product consists of several programmes:
ZDB Launcher
When you start Launcher.exe for the first time, you can only start the apps 1.)... and 2.).... start. These create the database AlibreDatabase.db3 and fill it with content. In a network environment, the database file may also be located on a server or NAS.
The first run can take several minutes for large amounts of data. After that, only syncing takes place, which is very fast. We also recommend adding the two apps
ZDBImport.exe and ZDBConstituents.exe to the add to scheduler so that they are run regularly and always keep the database up to date.
ZDB Launcher App
ZDB Import
All ZDB programs are portable and can be started directly from a USB stick if required. All programs work from Windows 7 upwards.
ZDBImport.exe must be called at least 1x to create an Alibre drawing database.
The import module can also be called unattended. For example, hourly or only 1x per day, etc. This keeps the Alibre drawing database always up to date.
In the
ZDB.ini file, the path to the database can be customized.

The first pass over a large amount auf Alibre-Files can take a few minutes. After that, only the new or changed files are searched and the database is included:
- For changed files, the date, time as well as file size is compared.
- In the case of renamed files, the data record of the file that no longer exists is automatically deleted.
- Renamed as well as new files are freshly imported.

Button: "import single file" imports only this one file.
Button: "import directory + subdirectory" imports everything from a defined directory.
Link: "Help..." opens this web page.
Alibre Design Database and Drawing Management - Importer App
Command Line for Windows Scheduler is entered automatically by the Launcher.exe. With adjustable interval between 1 minute and 24 hours.
ZDB Constituents
All ZDB programs are portable and can be started directly from a USB stick if required. All programs work from Windows 7 upwards.
is required so that the Viewer can execute the function "Where used?
The runtime can take a few minutes depending on the amount of files.
Alibre Design Database and Drawing Management - Constituents App
Command Line for Windows Scheduler is entered automatically by the Launcher.exe. With adjustable interval between 1 minute and 24 hours.

ZDB Viewer

All ZDB programs are portable and can be started directly from a USB stick if required. All programs work from Windows 7 upwards.

  • Start ZDBViewer.exe and enter a maximum of five search terms in the search line.

  • The search terms are executed as AND search.

  • Furthermore, the search is started from the third letter entered (live search).

  • Button: "Show all" lists all records available in the database.

  • Button: "Show in Folder..." opens the filexplorer an select the file.

  • Button: "Print" opens the print preview.

  • Button: "Help" opens this web page.

Alibre Design Database and Drawing Management - Viewer App

Customize print template


The print template is advantageously an HTML file which can be adapted by anyone. The placeholders $.....$ must be preserved in such a way, but can appear at arbitrary positions also several times.


If you want to adapt the Template-001.html, we recommend the free and good WYSIWYG HTML editor " BlueGriffon® ". You can find it at: www.bluegriffon.org




The programs are available in English and German.

Request download link:

After you have received the download link, proceed as follows:
1.) Download the ZIP file
2.) Unpack all files contained in it, into any directory
3.) First start the program
ZDBImport.exe *
4.) Then start ZDBConstituents.exe *
5.) Finally the main programme
* We recommend that you run these programs regularly using the Windows scheduler. This way you always have an up-to-date database.. The command line can be found above in the description.

Any liability is rejected. This program is the property of CADTEC (SWITZERLAND) GMBH.  Any liability is also rejected for any damage that may result from the use of this program. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and bear the risks associated with the use of the data, including the reliability in terms of accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the data. The use by third parties of all content presented on this website (images, information, text, web design, etc.), requires prior written authorization

Installation and Quick Start Guide

Copy the contents of the ZIP file into a directory.

If a database already exists, edit the ZDB.ini and enter the path to the database there.

Now start the program: ZDBImport.exe and ZDBConstituents.exe (The first start can take some time. After that it is fast because only synced.)

If there is no database yet, you can now select the folder where it should be created.

After all data are imported, you can query all data with the program ZDBViewer.exe.

Please sponsor so that this tool can be further developed.
Without donations, further development and maintenance will not be easier. Therefore our thanks go to all who contribute.